De Tijd Financial newspaper - In product innovation we can create enormous business value
English summary
The Data Age
Digital data has been around since the beginning of the computer age. That there is so much to do about it in recent years has everything to do with the tech giants from Silicon Valley. They first saw how data could make our lives more pleasant, personal and possible. Companies such as Netflix, Spotify, Facebook and Amazon select the movies and songs that are made for us, put us in touch with old friends and provide us with the best shopping experience.

Picture: © De Tijd
DataStories Insights
DataStories is a Flemish start-up that tries to dig up valuable insights so it can create business value for its customers. The company has a client list that you would not immediately associate with data and algorithms: manufacturers of cleaning and home / personal care products, but also the pharmaceutical group Janssen Pharma, the mattress manufacturer Recticel and food companies such as chocolate giant Barry Callebaut. "What all these companies have in common is that they are looking for ways to make their products better, cheaper and more sustainable. Our data analysis helps them to do just that." says Vladislavleva*.
*See Case studies
- Process Optimization of Food Production Lines
- Enabling cost-effective reformulations for bio-based laundry detergents
Thousand spreadsheets
Despite the high expectations, many organizations are only talking more about data instead of actually doing anything with it. "The technology is there, but old habits are hard to change." says Katya Vladislavleva of DataStories. "Collecting data is also often a problem. Company data is often hidden in thousands of spreadsheets. Our first challenge is to structure that."
About De Tijd
This article is the first in the series 'The data age'. Read from Saturday 14 September in De Tijd for three weekends.
De Tijd is a Belgian newspaper that mainly focuses on business and economics. It is printed on salmon pink paper since May 2009, following the example of its colleagues Financial Times, Het Financieele Dagblad, FT Deutschland and many more.
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Zijn data een hype of worden ze echt het goud van de 21ste eeuw?